Saturday, May 3, 2014

Look Up

Recently, I stumbled across this video, and it inspired me to take one day each week where I don't turn on my computer, cell phone, or iPad... at least for the month of May. We will see how I do before I decide if I want to continue it. I have always been hesitant to try something like this in the past, but now that I'm a mom I want to make sure Ezra doesn't think it is normal to stare at a screen all day.

Our goal has been for him to make it to 3 years old without watching TV or movies. We have already broken it, but I am still trying regardless. Less is still better, right? Because of this goal, I hardly ever let him look at the computer, phone, or iPad, but he is already drawn to it, and I catch him just staring at my computer screen when I do homework around him. This scares me. I want to be present with him when he plays. I want him to know that I love him and care about the things he finds interesting. I want to be present with Joe when he gets home from school or work. I want to unplug.

So, for the month of May I will be banning the computer, cell phone, and iPad on Wednesdays... at least, as much as I possibly can. I know I will still have to plug in to do homework, but I am going to try to avoid even that as much as possible. I found this great app called StayFocused which I will use to block non-school related websites on that day and only allow those websites for a set amount of time on other days. Check it out - it is pretty sweet. I know this is a tremendously small step, but I have to start somewhere. Wish me luck!

(Note: There is one bit of language in this video. Sorry!)

Friday, May 2, 2014

No Airbrushing Allowed

I recently came across an article and sobbed (link at bottom of post). I sobbed for the way my body used to be, but with the knowledge that, even if I could, I would never take it back, because being a mother is the most life-altering, important, and wonderful decision I have ever made. Motherhood brings me joy every day, but I would be a liar if I said that I don't weep simply from the fact that I had my baby almost 7 months ago, and my body is still flabby, loose, marked up, and just plain bigger than I would like. My body has changed, and I have to realize that this is okay, as it is because of this change that I have my son, someone who makes me happy every day.

The pictures in this article celebrates that "stretch marks, C-section scars and rounded bellies are the marks of a woman who’s grown life inside of her. They’re brandings of power..." It also states, "Airbrushing the reality out of women’s bodies has become so much the norm, reality isn’t often seen, let alone celebrated. Even supermodels are Photoshopped into standards of total perfection that can’t be met in reality." There's the cause of the trouble right there. 

(Now, I must take a moment to say that the photos in the article are semi-nude (all the important parts are covered though), so if this offends you, please don't click on this link. If not, by all means look and perhaps have a good cry. Don't worry, I won't judge).