Sunday, October 14, 2012

Legislation in Washington this November 2012

In addition to the election of local and national leaders, Washington state citizens will be presented with some local state legislation to vote on.  I believe that the two most important pieces are those found below.

Referendum 74 - Please Vote that this be "Rejected"
*Thirty-two states out of thirty-two have voted to keep marriage as between one man and one woman dating back to 1998.  This is a moral question and indeed each American can and should hold fast to the principles of morality and the blessings of freedom sought here for families with children and without.

Initiative 502 - Please Vote against this
*This initiative would legalize marijuana in WA and have farming of the drug monitored by the Washington State Liquor Control Board.  Consideration should be given that children and other Americans should not be subjected to second-hand marijuana smoke.  Moreover, if marijuana is made legal and more readily accessible it stands likely to reason that there will be more DUI's caused by this drug's readiness to potentially irresponsible parties.

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