Saturday, January 19, 2013

"What is the point of me being almost twenty-two when there is still so much for me to learn?"

My birthday brought wonderful surprises amid the cold Spokane winter. I was awakened by a phone call from Mom and Dad Meservy singing me happy birthday - they sounded great! And then later Elise called and sang me happy birthday as well! Aren't they cute? My Mom and Dad, of course, called too and I had a fun time texting back in forth pictures and comments about pea coats with my mom throughout the morning.

After waking up Joe led me straight to our front window where I saw this:

What a sweetheart. It was freezing out there!

I was wondering why he kept saying, "Snow way it's your birthday!" Joe was so cute - we opened presents right after that. I had told him earlier that I needed more hobbies so he got me a balloon animal kit, a watercolor kit, and a journal. So naturally after I opened them we made these: 

To continue on the "snow" theme we went to The Scoop to get some ice cream. They are known for having a few unusual flavors, but we played it safe with Mexican Chocolate (chocolate cinnamon pecan ice cream) and Celebration (frosted circus animal cookies in cake batter ice cream).

And while it's never to cold for ice cream our plans for ice skating were dashed as soon as we stepped outside and realized we didn't want to freeze our bottoms off. Instead we headed to the mall (Happy Birthday to ME!) and did some shopping at Banana Republic. What a glorious store... I wanted to buy everything there, but I settled for only two items. And by settled I mean rejoiced in my first ever purchases from that store.

We finished up the evening with some delicious P.F. Changs and the movie Parental Guidance. It was a fun night and Joe thoroughly spoiled me.

A giant balloon monster displayed 
in the mall - they showed us up.


lisey said...

Ok, I have to admit I finally got around to reading this. And I love Joe's SNOW theme! So cute. And the fact that he wrote in the snow for your before you woke up is adorable. I want to go to the Scoop! Also, are you going to post any pictures of your cute Banana purchase? I love Banana.
ps I hope you listened to T Swifts song 22 on your bday. :)

Julia said...

I haven't even heard of this song! But I am listening to it now! :) I like it! Yes, Joe's a cutie and very thoughtful about the small stuff which is what counts the most! I actually don't have any pictures of my BR purchases, but I wear them all the time now so I'm sure I'll be able to post one soon!