Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Testimony

Often when I have seen or heard misconceptions about my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or the mormon church as many refer to it, it has made me angry, sometimes even spiteful. Today I was reading a chapter in "Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith" in preparation for church tomorrow (George Albert Smith was a prophet and president of the church) and it hit me that I have not been completely open to sharing my beliefs with others. How can I expect others to feel comfortable enough to ask me questions if I am not willing to share? Mostly it is fear that holds me back - fear of ridicule or that people will think I am trying to force my beliefs upon them, but I am not afraid anymore. How can I be afraid when I can feel the truth of Christ's church in every fiber of my being? How can I not shout it out and share what brings me great joy?

President George Albert Smith said, "Love is the great power to influence this world." I know this is true. This is why we send missionaries out all across the world. We do not wish to force our church on anyone, but we do wish to share our joy with them. We want to rejoice in the truths that others have, but also expand those truths to a broader and fuller picture, if they are willing to listen. We want true happiness.

So, this is my declaration! This is my shout to the world! I know that Jesus Christ, my savior, lives. I have no doubt. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and is a companion to the Bible. I gain great strength when I read the scriptures and I know that there are days when they fulfill a need I did not even recognize I had. I know that God lives and that he is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I believe He gives us prophets to guide us, just as he did in times of old, and that President Thomas S. Monson is His prophet on the Earth today. I also feel privileged that I was able to marry my wonderful husband, Joe, in the Lord's temple and that we can be together forever. I look forward to the day when we will get to go on a mission together for Christ's church and share our joy with other souls. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lord's restored church upon the earth and I hope that if anyone wishes to know more about it that they will ask me or visit Christ's gospel "is for every soul that is born into the world to know."

I do not flatter myself that anyone who is not already a member of this church will read this, but I do want to put it out there anyway so there is no doubt where I stand and what I believe. If by chance this does reach the eyes of someone who is interested to learn more, you can order a Book of Mormon for free here. Or if you do not wish to go through the website I would be happy to answer any of your questions or send you a free Book of Mormon myself!


LauraandJoel said...

Thank You Julia...your testimony is inspiring! I just got back home from a very long trip and this was just what I needed to read.

Aby Runyan said...

Love it, thanks so much for posting this. I've felt a bit like everbody around me is trashing the church in some way. Even when I GO to church! So many people seem to be falling by the wayside, and it's been hard to watch. It gives me strength to hear and see others I love standing strong in the faith.

luvs, aby

Unknown said...

Aby the answer is it depends. But we'd like a largerish family...maybe 6 or 7...

Unknown said...

By the way Aby my wife LOVED your question and kept asking me if I had responded to there you are.

Send my regards to Jeff and your lovely kids.

Unknown said...

oh julia, thank you from me too. when elise was a little girl once she came up to me and pointed to herself and said, "mommy, I crying!" it's so funny but i thought of that just now as i read your testimony---julila, i crying! you touched my heartstrings.